Built by the Testers and GenAI experts

AI-Driven Test Case Generation for Efficient Quality Assurance

Automate 70% of Test Cases from User Stories, Saving hours of grunt work with AI-Driven Accuracy for your Developers and Testers

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this slowpoke moves

Key Features

Industry 1st comprehensive no-code, agentic DevQualOps platform with testing Co-Pilot powered by Generative AI

Expert Tester

Trained on a robust dataset of 500K+ labeled End-to-End test case samples across 30 SAAS verticals, ensuring unparalleled accuracy and performance.


Integrated seamlessly with JIRA, Salesforce, ServiceNow, Slack, TestRail and many more apps for comprehensive functionality and easy adptability.


Available as both on-prem and cloud hosting solution, with no sharing of PII data and a complete data audit trail for traceability, security and transparency.

Agentic Framework

Advanced agentic framework TESTDROID(™) automates test case generation and adapts to domain-specific needs, delivering efficient, high-accuracy QA solutions.

Chat Interface UI

Plan your testing activities effortlessly with a LLM trained as seasoned test architect with deep testing knowledge. Ask anything testing related and it will guide you to the next steps.

Our IP

We not only generate test cases, but provide quantifiable metrics to gauge impact on overall product quality & test coverage, developed groundbreaking QEFIX(™) & QEMetrics(™) in our lab.

AI-Driven Test Case Generation

OrangePro's AI generates upto 70% of test cases from user stories and application overviews, saving on average 8-10 hours per developer or tester weekly. This feature ensures high accuracy and relevance, reducing manual effort significantly.


What gets measured, gets managed

Generation of test case is not enough if you dont know impact, quality and coverage of the tests and where the likely gaps are. We purpose built a solution that uses industry standards to gauge the quality of your application across several metrics. Easy to use not only by Developers and Testers but our no-code approach make it easy to be used by non-technical people in the team increasing team contribution

Make your test team 10X faster, improving time to market

OrangePro’s platform includes domain-specific intelligence that makes the testing faster, 24/7 and constantly look out for potential defects. It uses knowledge graph and LLM to generate hotspots which significantly cut down the grunt work for finding information scattered across incidents, defects, tests and product documentation.


Value OrangePro Provides

Take Action, Bring Visibility, Fix the issues and delight your customers

Enhance Brand Reputation

Minimize the occurrence of defects, enhance brand reputation, and avoid costly scrambles to fix bugs post-launch.

Cost Savings

Significantly reduce long-term costs associated with Customer Support and defect management over the software lifecycle.

Enhanced Data Utilization

Expand testing scenarios to include real-world user interactions, ensuring broader coverage and higher defect detection accuracy.

Enhanced Software Quality

Improves product reliability and stability, contributing to higher customer satisfaction.

OrangePro Pricing

Contact us at contact@orangepro.ai for pricing details.